Hiding/Unhiding rows



I have a button that when the user presses the button the program will search
an ordered column for values equal to 0 and hide the rows that has values
equal to zero. If the rows already are hidden then they shall be revealed by
pressing the button. My code is:

Sub showHideButton_Klicka()
Dim relativCell As Range
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim blnFirstFound As Boolean, blnLastFound As Boolean, blnIsHidden As

Set relativCell = Worksheets("Beräkning").Cells.Find("Rel.",
'here I start to look for the first and last cell that is equal to zero.
Do Until IsEmpty(relativCell.Offset(i, 0)) = True Or blnLastFound = True
If blnFirstFound = False Then
If relativCell.Offset(i, 0) = 0 Then
blnFirstFound = True
k = i
Else: End If
End If

If blnFirstFound = True And blnLastFound = False Then
j = i
If relativCell.Offset(j + 1, 0) <> 0 Then
blnLastFound = True
Else: End If
Else: End If

i = i + 1 'längst ner i listan
'here i have stopped looking for the last cell

'here I select the rows that have cells that are equal to zero
startRow = relativCell.Offset(k, 0).Row
endRow = relativCell.Offset(j, 0).Row
Rows("" & startRow & ":" & endRow & "").Select
'here i want to hide the rows
If blnIsHidden = False Then
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True 'gömmer rader

End Sub

my problem is that how do you write the code for unhiding the values?
i know you can write:
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False
but will this work? I dont want to search for zeros when unhiding. but how
do you solve this? i though about using a boolean to check if the rows are
hidden or not but I do not know how to proceed. please help me if you can!


You can test if a row is hidden or not like

If Rows(1).EntireRow.Hidden Then
MsgBox "Hidden"
MsgBox "Visible"
End If

By using this test you could toggle the row from visible to hidden and back.


yes thanks but the macro works like this. If the user presses a button then
the rows hide/unhide and that is the end of it. After having run the macro
how can I know where to look for hidden rows? they are not at the same place
every time so just refering to a certain row etc. will not work. Is there any
way of "remebering" which rows where hidden/unhidden so that the next time
the user presses the buttonthe program knows what rows to look for? would
really appreciate help! thanks alot!

"Nigel" skrev:

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