Hiding/showing subforms



Hi, all

I have a form with a subform that I would like to be invisible until
required by the user. I have looked in the macros and been unable to find
anything that deals with subforms, and I've never used VBA before, so I seem
to be stuck. Does anybody know of a way to do this?

Thanks, David

Damon Heron

Here is some code that you can put in the current event of the main form if
you want the subform to appear with a new record on the main form:

If Not IsNull(Me.YourMainFormID) Then
Me.YoursubfrmName.Visible = True

Me.YoursubfrmName.Visible = False

End If

Another way, if you want the user to choose, would be to have a button on
the main form, and the click event would be similar to above :
Me.YoursubfrmName.Visible = True

Note that the subform is already on the mainform - at design level just set
its visible property to false


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