Hide Buttons along with Rows



In one of my workbooks I frequently hide rows that are not needed for current
analysis and then unhide them as needed. These rows contain buttons that
affect only the data contained in the corresponding rows. Therefore, I would
like to be able to hide the rows as well as the buttons in these rows.
However, when I currently hide, the buttons appear on the visible row right
after the last hidden row. Is there any way to hide these buttons along with
the rows?


Adam Bush

Earl Kiosterud


In the Format (or Format Control) dialog for the buttons, look at the Properties tab. Set
it to "Move and size with cells."

Earl Kiosterud

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Dave Peterson

What kind of buttons--and what toolbar did you use to make them?

If you rightclick on the object, you can choose Format Control.
On the properties tab, you can choose to move and size with cells.

Some controls (like optionbuttons and checkboxes from the Forms toolbar) don't
have that option.

But you could replace them with optionbuttons and checkboxes from the control
toolbox toolbar.


Thanks a lot for your help guys. Changing the format control to Move and
Size with Cells worked perfectly.

Adam Bush

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