Hidding Row Selector Columns of DataGrid


Rajeev Soni


i want to hide the row selector column, first column of the datagrid which allows to select complete row / shows ">" for the active row.
how can it be done?


Rajeev Soni

Thanks Kristin,

I tried with DataGrid.RowHeadersVisible property to false. Actually DataGridTableStyle.RowHeadersVisible was overriding the false property of DataGrid, so if set the DataGridTableStyle.RowHeadersVisible property to false. Row headers will not be visible.

Did you try setting the DataGrid.RowHeadersVisible property to false?

The DataGridTableStyle associated with your DataGrid also has a RowHeadersVisible property but I believe the DataGrid property takes precedence. Setting both to false is the surest coarse of action.


i want to hide the row selector column, first column of the datagrid which allows to select complete row / shows ">" for the active row.
how can it be done?


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