Hidden excels popping up when a new excel is opened.



I use a text file and a word file as inputs to my tool.
I convert both text & word files into separate excels.
then compare these 2 excels and write the discrepancies in another 3rd excel.
i set all the 3 excel sheets visible false.
When my tool(the above conversion& comparison) is running,
if i try to open another excel sheet(mail attachment or ,a new excel or any
other excel) I'm able to see all the 3 excels popped up along with the one I
i want my application based 3 excels not to be shown& be undisturbed, when I
want to work with a different excel.
Is there any way to do this???
This is a serious problem and I have no clue how to solve this.
Due to this my application stops in between with an exception.

Please help me.

Kalyani J


How about starting a new excel application? It sounds like you need a new
instance of Excel. Here is some code to do this;

Sub Kalyani()
Dim myXl As Excel.Application
Dim wbk As Workbook
Dim sht As Worksheet

Set myXl = New Excel.Application
myXl.Visible = True
Set wbk = myXl.Workbooks.Open("....")
Set sht = wbk.Sheet(1)

'Do stuff here...

Set sht = Nothing
'wbk.Close False

End Sub


Thanks for the reply.
i have opened 3 different new Excel applications for processing.
The problem is when i open a new excel sheet on my system to work on. The
hidden excels popping out with this one.
im not able to work on any excel when my application is running...

So i want to know when ever user opens an excel when my application is running
Is this possible??

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