help: WLAN disabled USB printer



Hi all,

System: WinXP Home, SP2.

Problem: since I set up WLAN (FritzBox, USB-Fritzstick),
WLAN works terrific but my Lexmark Z13 (also USB)
prints very badly if at all, i.e., blurred lines, or nothing at
all. Deinstalled, reinstalled, did not help. Strange: during
reinstalling, there is now always the error message
"Lexmark Z13 not connected". Despite this message,
reinstallation completes, and the first test page is ok.
However, later on, when I print... (see above).
I tried another USB-port, no help.

Before WLAN, no problem with Z13, be it printing or

Can I check somehow whether something happened
to the USB-ports, before I trash my printer?



Yves Leclerc

Are you using the standard USB ports off the motherboard? I just encountered
a USB device that is using too much power over the USB ports. By connecting
this device to a powered hub, I was able to solve my problem.


Yves Leclerc said:
Are you using the standard USB ports off the motherboard? I just
encountered a USB device that is using too much power over the USB ports.
By connecting this device to a powered hub, I was able to solve my

Thanks, Yves
Are you using the standard USB ports off the motherboard? I just
How can I check this? There are 2 USP ports in
front of the PC, two at the back. The PC system's
device controller shows 1 "USB-printer support",
3 "USB-Root-Hub" and 3 "VIA Rev 5 or higher
USB universal Hostcontroller". I am a newbie
and don't know why I see 7 (!) USB-Conrollers.
The printer (coming with its own power supply) always
worked well in one of the 2 back USBs.
Where should I put its USB connector into
to get more power?



Yves Leclerc said:
Are you using the standard USB ports off the motherboard? I just
encountered a USB device that is using too much power over the USB ports.
By connecting this device to a powered hub, I was able to solve my

Thanks, Yves
Are you using the standard USB ports off the motherboard?.....By
connecting this device to a powered hub....
I am a newbie and don't know where the powered hub is.
My PC's system device controller shows under
* one "USB-printer support
* three "USB-Root-Hub"s
* three "VIA Rev 5 or higher USB universal Hostcontroller"s

But there are only 4 USP plugs, two at the front,
two at the back of the PC. One of the backs
houses the printer's USB connector; the printer
has its own power supply.

Which of the USB ports would be powered?
And why don't I see "USB-WLAN support"
or something like this, despite the WLAN stick
being connected to one of the front USB ports
and working smoothly?



I found a verrrry bad solution:
unplug the WLAN stick! So, surfing and printing not possible at the same
time. How can I find a powered HUB?



My PC has 4 USB Ports, 2 back, 2 front.
Backs are Motherboard Universal Serial Bus Ports 1 & 2.
Fronts are optional USB Headers with Connector Set

If connected to one of the back USBs, the printer functions
properly only if no WLAN Stick is connected to another
USB port. An external powered HUB does not help. The

WLAN functions though, apparently it overrides the printer?

If both printer and WLAN are connected to both front
USB ports, everything goes smoothly.

"Scio me nescire"
(Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß)


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