Help With Validation Please


helen wheels


I have a spreadsheet set up wher I'd like users to put a Y in one of 3
columns (Red, Amber or Green)

Is there any way of validating so that they can only put a Y in Red or
Amber or Green column at a time and not in both or all three?

Many thanks for any help.


Debra Dalgleish

Assuming Red, Amber and Green are in columns B:D --

Select columns B:D
Choose Data>Validation
From the Allow dropdown, choose Custom
In the Formula box, type: =COUNTIF($B1:$D1,"Y")<=1
Click OK

helen wheels


Many thanks for your help.

I couldn't get the you posted to function to work, but this one does
the job nicely =COUNTIF($C1:$E1,"Y")=1

Thanks again for all your help - it's very much appreciated.


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