Help with unpredictable code


Tony Williams

I have a control on a form that has code which creates a message if the user
does not input any data. If I put this code in the OnLostFocus property of
the control it works fine, but if I put it in the BeforeUpdate property of
the form it doesn't. Here is the code:
Private Sub txtMontha_LostFocus()
Dim MsgStr As String
Dim TitleStr As String
MsgStr = "You can not enter a record without " _
& "completing the Qtr End Date" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Do You Wish To Go Back " _
& "And Enter The Qtr End Date?"
TitleStr = "Qtr End Date Must Be Entered"
If IsNull(Me!txtMontha) Or Me!txtMontha = "" Then
If MsgBox(MsgStr, vbYesNo, TitleStr) = vbYes Then
Cancel = True


End If
End If
End Sub

Two questions:
1. I would prefer it to go in the BeforeUpdate in the event that the user
uses a mouse rather than tabs around the form. Can anyone see where I can
change the code to make it work?

2. I would also like the form to close if the user answers No to the
message. I've tried using Docmd.Close but can't get the sequence right. The
form either closes when I don't want it to or wont close if the user has
input data and just wants to close the form when they've finished.


Michel Walsh


Does the BeforeUpdate event of the FROM fires at all? If your form is not
bound to a RecordSource, the event won't fire. Same if no control bound to a
field is dirty at the moment you "change" of record, or expect somehow to
see the BeforeUpdate event firing.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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