help with spybot S&D...


- T00LF00L -

i have used spybot for a while now but today when i launched it, it stopped
responding so i figured i'd uninstall/reinstall. well, file "SDHelper.dll"
will not allow me to delete, says ACCESS DENIED! what do i do now? tried
to click 'ignore' during attempted reinstall anyway but S&D still did not
launch. anyone know what the problem is?

- T00LF00L -

ok i managed to rename the SDHELPER.dll file and delete it. i have
reinstalled S&D, but it still does not work! it just stops
responding....what gives? ive used it for a long time. does new NIS 2004
have anything to do with it maybe? very frustrating


-----Original Message-----
i have used spybot for a while now but today when i launched it, it stopped
responding so i figured i'd uninstall/reinstall. well, file "SDHelper.dll"
will not allow me to delete, says ACCESS DENIED! what do i do now? tried
to click 'ignore' during attempted reinstall anyway but S&D still did not
launch. anyone know what the problem is?

If you go to s/b's home page you will find a support forum

- T00LF00L -

no it simply stopped responding as soon as i launched the program.
(according to task manager) but i did launch it and let the computer sit
for a while and it did finally come on. when i tried to download updates,
it got stuck again for a while, but finally succeeded. i scanned the
computer and it worked no problem. the next time i launched it, it opened
right up. i am wondering if it was THIER server slowing it down since i
have it set to automatically download updates?? what do you think?? since
when i tried it manually, it bogged down again? anyway, now it seems to be
fine. very strange, what are your thoughts?! thanks for the help!!

Wesley VogelX

It bogs down for me too, when I search for updates, but not always. I search
for updates manually. Like you suggested, it could be their server. I have had
it stop responding while searching for updates. Where I have had to End Task.
It is also fairly slow to load. Fifteen to thirty seconds, I'm guessing. My
suggestion would be to set it for manual updates. That way at least it will
load before it stops responding. :blush:)
Works damn good for a free program. I am not complaining. ;o)

- T00LF00L -

yeah that was the problem and i paniced! it works just fine again. it
does load quicker/slower at times, but it never took THAT long before! i
unchecked the 'check for updates at start' and it loads real fast! one of
those things i never thought of! it is a great program! thanks

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