Help with Selecting multiple Checkboxes on a form


Corey ....

I am trying to use a CommnadButton on a form to Select ALL Checkboxes on a
form IF the CheckBox Caption is NOT "----------".
However i keep getting a error on the below identified line, why ?

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim chx As CheckBox
With UserForm6
If chx.Caption <> "----------" Then '<==== ERROR
For Each chx In UserForm6 = True
Next chx
End If
End With
End Sub

How can i fix this?



Hi Corey,

If you want to use the variable instead of the checkbox name you need to
assign a checkbox to it first otherwise how does it know which checkbox
caption you are referring to. Because you are using chx in the For Each loop,
perhaps simply using the actual name of the checkbox to identify the caption.


Adding to Ossie's observation, moving your If statement inside the For ...
Next loop will accomplish the variable assignment through the For Each chx
part of the statement. Then you will need to fix the statembent: = True

Looks like it should be just:

chx = True


You also need to modify this line:

For Each chx In UserForm6


For Each chx In UserForm6.Controls

This assumes you only have checkboxes on the form.

Dave Peterson

Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim ctrl As control 'msforms.CheckBox
for each ctrl in me.controls
if typeof ctrl is msforms.checkbox then
if ctrl.caption = "----------" then
'do nothing
ctrl.value = true
end if
end if
next ctrl
End Sub

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