Help with program not loading



Hi John,

Sorry. Okay.. I had the program installed prior to installing SP2. It worked
perfectly, and never had any problems. I had been using it for more than a
year. I installed SP2, and now it will not load. I am assuming it does give
an error message, however I cannot tell you what it is, because since I
installed SP2 if there is an error it pops the window to send an error report
to Microsoft. I have not made any changes outside of the norm since
installing SP2. (Meaning I have not added/deleted any new/old codecs, or
other video/sound altering software/hardware. I still have the same programs,
codecs, and hardware as before.) I have Windows Media Player 9 or 10, Real
Player 10, and Cyberlink Power DVD 6, and yes, I can play DVD's (via my DVD-r
drive) on my computer with no problems at all. When I un-install, and
re-install the program, it always installs with zero errors. However, when I
try to run it, it pops the box to send an error message to Microsoft.

My PC is as follows:
Dell Demension 2300 - 1.8 Ghz Intel Celeron CPU - 1 GB SDRAM - Intel Extreme
Graphics Controller w/64 MB RAM - Soundmax Integrated Digital Audio. I am
running Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition, 2002. Service Pack 2 was
installed seperately.

If you need more, please ask.. I will be monitoring the group while I work..


This is a difficult one. Thank you for replying with this information but
there is still not much that is helping me out here. The problem seems to be
caused by SP2 but there is no other good information to go off of. I checked
other newsgroups and the web but could not find anything. You could possibly
get more information from the event viewer by the following...
--Right click on "My Computer" and select "manage".
--On the window that appears click on the plus (+) next to "event viewer".
--Under event viewer click on application and look through the list.

You can check to see if there is any helpful information such as file names
but this place usually doesn't help much. There should be errors listed for
the same time that you have been getting the problem. Check it out and get
back to us. To be honest, when I installed SP2 I formatted my hard drive
beforehand and then tested each application as I put them back on my
computer. Not everyone has that option, and only the hard cores typically do
this, but I am everyone. I hate to even mention something like this as it is
not a fix, but you might consider it as a last resort. You could also try
doing a cleanboot by doing the following...
--Start => Run => Msconfig
--Put the check in selective startup
--Uncheck all boxes (not circles) EXCEPT for "Load startup items".
--Click on the "Services" tab at the top of the msconfig window.
--Click "Hide all microsoft services"
--Uncheck all the items that are left and reboot the computer.
--When the computer comes back up, test the problem.

If the problem goes away then you are looking at a conflict with one of the
items you unchecked in MSCONFIG. From here you are looking at a process of
elimination to find the culprit. If this does nothing then go back into
MSCONFIG, put the check back in normal startup, and reboot the computer. I
have given you much to chew on so try this and get back to us.



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