Help with my first Netmeeting call



Please forgive the most basic questions.
How do I make my first call?
Do I call the person on the phone to instruct them to go to the computer so
we can video conference?
Does the other person have to do this with netmeeting as well?
Does the other person have to be listed in the directory?


Depends on a few things. I found the easiest way is to type the IP Address
in the box that asks who your are calling. However, if you use a router or
a NAT this complicates things and then you'll have to do a little router
research. If the other computer is on the same internal network however, it
should work fairly well.


Please excuse a vaery basic question. What is the IP address and where is it


Okay. Click on Start-Run and type: cmd in the box.

It will open a black screen with a command prompt.

Type: ipconfig /all

There will be an IP number in that mess, something like or
something along that number.

That is the IP address for the machine you are on.

You will need to type in the IP address of the machine you want to call.

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