Help with migration from vb6 to


Jon Bone

Hi All,

I am having a problem with a migrating project to, this may be to do
with my understanding of .net as I am fairly new to it.

I have written a dll in that does various different things based upon
some parameters within an xml data file. This dll needs to be shared between
a .net windows application and two websites, one hosted and written by me,
the other will be hosted by another company.

The problem I have is trying to locate the xml file, when I am running the
windows application all the files are in the same folder and therefore I
have no problems. When I am trying to call the dll from within the asp web
form the dll is unable to find the xml file due to the variable paths that
the clr appears to use.

I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction to help
with a solution.



Bharat Patel [MSFT]

Hi Jon,

You can use Server.MapPath function to map the path to local folder. Check out
the help on this function.
If you still have some questions on it, please make sure to include the
following newsgroup:


Hope this helps!
Bharat Patel
Microsoft, Visual Basic .NET

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