Help with logon (removal)


Stu Logan

I have new problem. After the latest windows update I have to logon to my
account (the only one on the pc) whenever I power up.

i have installed the Tweakui powertoy and have used it to enable the
automatic logon. That will work for about two times before tweakui will
"forget" its setting and I'll have to logon again and again set Tweakui to
logon me on automatically.

Please help if you can.


Richie NY

Typical annoyance, go to user accounts in the control
panel, remove the all other accounts but yours, and
reboot, you should not have the logon w/password screen

Stu Logan

Thanks. I'll give it a shot.


Richie NY said:
Typical annoyance, go to user accounts in the control
panel, remove the all other accounts but yours, and
reboot, you should not have the logon w/password screen

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