help with listbox from class array



Hey all, I have a question for you all. I'm learning and need some
help. I have two classes one named Customers and one named CustomersDA. I
have to go though Customer for everything. I have a listbox that needs to
get data from an array. I call a function called GetAll that is a ArrayList
in Customers that then calls CustomersDA.GetAll that is also an array list
but returns customers (see code below).I need to fill a listbox from the
ArrayList from GetAll. I cant seem to get it to work. Here are the classes
and code:
Imports System.Data.OleDb

Imports System.Collections

Public Class CustomerDA

Shared customers As New ArrayList() ' Customer references

Shared aCustomer As Customer

'Declare a connection. Eliminate the hard-coded path to

'the database by putting the database file in the

'project's Bin folder

Shared cnnCustomer As New _

OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _

"Data Source=Customers.mdb")

'Declare variables for Customer attribute values

Shared name, address, phoneno As String

'Initialize Method (chapter 13 example)

'no connection passed as reference

Public Shared Sub Initialize()


' Try to open the connection


Catch e As Exception


End Try

End Sub

' Terminate Method (chapter 13 example)

Public Shared Sub Terminate()



cnnCustomer = Nothing

Catch e As Exception


End Try

End Sub

' AddNew Method --Throws DuplicateException if exists

Public Shared Sub AddNew(ByVal aCustomer As Customer)

' Get customer information

name = aCustomer.GetName

address = aCustomer.GetAddress

phoneno = aCustomer.GetPhoneNo

' Declare a string SQL statement

Dim sqlInsert As String = "INSERT INTO customerTable " & _

"VALUES ('" & name & "', '" & address & "', '" & phoneno & " ')"

Dim adpcustomer As New OleDbDataAdapter()


Dim c As Customer = Find(phoneno)

Throw New DuplicateException(" Customer Exists ")

Catch e As NotFoundException

Try ' Assign Insert Commands and Execute

adpcustomer.InsertCommand = New OleDbCommand(sqlInsert)

adpcustomer.InsertCommand.Connection = cnnCustomer



End Try

End Try

End Sub

' Find Method--Throws NotFoundException if Not Found

Public Shared Function Find(ByVal key As String) As Customer

Dim acustomer As New Customer()

acustomer = Nothing

Dim dsCustomer As New DataSet()


' Define the SQL SQL statement using the phoneno key

Dim sqlQuery As String = "SELECT Name, Address, PhoneNO " & _

"FROM CustomerTable WHERE phoneNo = '" & key & "'"

Dim adpCustomer As New _

OleDbDataAdapter(sqlQuery, cnnCustomer)

adpCustomer.Fill(dsCustomer, "CustTable")

If dsCustomer.Tables("CustTable").Rows.Count > 0 Then

Dim custRow As DataRow

custRow = dsCustomer.Tables("custTable").Rows(0)

name = custRow.Item("Name")

address = custRow.Item("address")

phoneno = custRow.Item("phoneno")

acustomer = New Customer(name, address, phoneno)


Throw New NotFoundException("Not Found")

End If

dsCustomer = Nothing

Catch e As OleDb.OleDbException


End Try

Return acustomer

End Function

' GetAll Method

Public Shared Function GetAll() As ArrayList

Dim dsCustomer As New DataSet()

Dim sqlQuery As String = "SELECT Name, Address, PhoneNo " & _

"FROM CustomerTable"


Dim adpCustomer As New _

OleDbDataAdapter(sqlQuery, cnnCustomer)

adpCustomer.Fill(dsCustomer, "CustTable")

If dsCustomer.Tables("CustTable").Rows.Count > 0 Then

Dim dsRow As DataRow

' Clear the array list


For Each dsRow In dsCustomer.Tables("CustTable").Rows

name = dsRow("Name")

address = dsRow("Address")

phoneno = dsRow("PhoneNo")

Dim aCustomer As New _

Customer(name, address, phoneno)




' No records in database

End If

dsCustomer = Nothing

Catch e As Exception


Throw New NotFoundException("Not Found")

End Try

Return customers

End Function

Cor Ligthert


Can you tell why your instructor tells you this crazy thing.

I see not the sense at all. It would be crazy if everybody was doing it as
you are ordered.

This is in my opinion the same as making a program that multiply without
using the multiply operator.

(Or it should be a strictly scolar operation of course, which it is the best
you communicate with your instructor then).

Just my thought,


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