Help with IF




I need to capture text from cell D2 (example only) if cell D1 contains
"abc", otherwise use the text from D1. I am able to do this with the
following formula:

I would like to expand this now so that if D1 contains either "abc", "def",
"ghi", "jkl", or ""mno", I capture the text in D2, else use the text from D1.
Is this possible? I have fiddled with the original by strining the
additional requirements on and can get Excel to accept the formula as
"correct" but not accomplish what I need to do.

Thank you,


I need to capture text from cell D2 (example only) if cell D1 contains
"abc", otherwise use the text from D1. I am able to do this with the
following formula:

I would like to expand this now so that if D1 contains either "abc", "def",
"ghi", "jkl", or ""mno", I capture the text in D2, else use the text from D1.
Is this possible? I have fiddled with the original by strining the
additional requirements on and can get Excel to accept the formula as
"correct" but not accomplish what I need to do.

Can you not use something like:

if(or(D1="abc",D1="def", etc),D2,D1)

Best Regards,



If you don't want "abcd" to be a match, but "ABC" is OK, you can use the


If you don't want "ABC" to be a match, but "abcd" is OK, you can use:


If you want neither "ABC" or "abcd" to be matches, you can use:


If you want them both "ABC" and "abcd" to be a match, you can use:



Thanks, this almost works, but I should have been more clear in my question.
The cell being tested will not contain exactly "abc", "def", etc, but more
along the line of "abc-123", "def-432", and so on. Is there any way to use
the list but require a match on the entire list value in question?

Thanks again.

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