Help with forms



I am building a member database, and have come up with a few questions.

Here are the things I'd like to accomplish

I have seperate forms for current members,their kids, and teens; and
visitors ,their teens, and kids. For a total of 6 forms. I'd like to be
able to enter the information on two major forms: "Members" and "Visitors"
but be able to have 6 seperate lists to distribute. Any help without using
code would be excellent. If i do have to use code could you step by step me,
as i'm stupid to all things code! Great! Thanks in advance



Can I suggest
1 switchboard
2 main forms (members / visitors)
each main form with 2 tabs (kids / teens)

You need very "code" to make these. I think you could make these forms
using the wizard

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