Help With Defragmenting Since Upgrade



I have recently upgraded to windows xp from windows me.
Ever since then I have been having problems
defragmenting. I just tried and it took 45 minutes and it
was only at 6%. There is nothing running in the
background to make this happen. I have cleaned all my
temp files.

How can I solve this problem?



you disable antivirus software if you have any.
Analyze volumes before defragmenting them. After analyzing a volume, a
dialog box tells you the percentage of fragmented files and folders on
the volume and recommends whether to defragment the volume.
A volume must have at least 15% free space for Disk Defragmenter to
completely and adequately defragment it.If a volume has less than 15%
free space, Disk Defragmenter will only partially defragment it. To
increase the free space on a volume, delete unneeded files or move them
to another disk.
If there is still problem then you must chkdsk the volume to know if
there is anything wrong there.In that case to fix errors,you must
include the /f parameter.

ssg MS-MVP

Bill James

The drive will become fragmented from the XP install and could take awhile the first time, especially if you are low on free space. Once you get through the defrag once it should be faster on subsequent runs as long as you don't allow the drive to become overly fragmented. Best bet is to start it when you can go off and leave it to run, perhaps over night.


Bill James
Microsoft MVP - Shell/User

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Janine said:
I have recently upgraded to windows xp from windows me.
Ever since then I have been having problems
defragmenting. I just tried and it took 45 minutes and it
was only at 6%. There is nothing running in the
background to make this happen. I have cleaned all my
temp files.

How can I solve this problem?


Download Raxco's PerfectDisk and give it a trial run - it won't cost you
anything (30 day free trial) and you just may get spoiled!!! :blush:)))

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