Help with crosstab query and report




I have created a crosstab query and I would like to use the information in a
My Row Heading is Won/Lost and I have SortDate, QuoteID, TotalValue, and Jan
thru Dec as the Column Heading. I can't figure out how to get the total
number of Won for Jan in my report. I need the same thing for Lost. Below
is an example of my crosstab query:

Won/Lost SortDate QuoteID TotalValue Jan Feb Mar
Apr ...
012006 4 $67,000.00 4
022006 1 $10,252.00 1
Lost 012006 2 $25,000.00 2
Lost 022006 1 $8500.00 1
Won 012006 7 $150,000.00 7
Won 022006 3 $12,000.00 3

Any help is appreciated.


David F Cox

This is not standard crosstab query format.

You have detail lines for dates in january, where do you want the totals for
january to appear?

Would you be better off with a report, where you can have detail lines and
summary totals? (You do not have to print it, you can preview it)/

If you are still determined to do this with a query show us where the totals
for January will appear.


I thought I did. If you look at the third row under Won/Lost is shows Lost,
follow that across to the right and under the SortDate is the month of
012006(Jan), under Jan it shows "2" which is the total number of Losses for
Jan. Same thing for "Won" it shows "7" Wins for Jan. I want to take the
total number of Losses for Jan and insert it in my Lost colunm for Jan in
my report and I would like to do the same for the Wins. I have the crosstab
query as my record source for the report. I don't know what to put in the
"control source" in the text box for Jan that will give me the total of
Losses. Thanks for your help.


David F Cox

I have several points of confusion, which were not helped by my choice of
view mail as text which garbled your layout.

I just dumped a mock-up of your data onoto a blank report and got what seems
to me to be the desired result, except that the column heading is Jan
instead of Jan Totals, which is what I would want to see.

I apologise if I am being dim here.

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