Help with Auto Populate



2nd request... If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate the

I have a data entry form with several text and combo boxes, that are bound
to a table called "Jobs". I would like to autopopulate some information on
the form prior to users adding a record. There is a secondary table,
"JobInfo", that contains the following information:


I would like for the user to be able to enter the JobNumber and Suffix, and
upon entering the suffix, to have ItemNumber and Quantity autopopulate. I
have written code to do this but it is returning a #NAME? error.

Could someone give me a bit of guidance? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Nick C.

Dan Artuso

This may work for you.
In the after update event of your Suffix control try this:

Me.ItemNumber = DLookup("[ItemNumber]","JobInfo","[JobNumber] = " & _
Me.JobNumber & " And [Suffix] = '" & Me.Suffix & "'")

Me.Quantity = DLookup("[Quantity]","JobInfo","[JobNumber] = " & _
Me.JobNumber & " And [Suffix] = '" & Me.Suffix & "'")

I've assumed that JobNumber is numeric and Suffix is a string.
If that's not correct, just remember, numbers need no delimiters and
strings need to be delimited with single quotes.

Nick C

Dan, thank you, that worked very well!

Nick C.

Dan Artuso said:
This may work for you.
In the after update event of your Suffix control try this:

Me.ItemNumber = DLookup("[ItemNumber]","JobInfo","[JobNumber] = " & _
Me.JobNumber & " And [Suffix] = '" & Me.Suffix & "'")

Me.Quantity = DLookup("[Quantity]","JobInfo","[JobNumber] = " & _
Me.JobNumber & " And [Suffix] = '" & Me.Suffix & "'")

I've assumed that JobNumber is numeric and Suffix is a string.
If that's not correct, just remember, numbers need no delimiters and
strings need to be delimited with single quotes.
Dan Artuso, Access MVP

2nd request... If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate the

I have a data entry form with several text and combo boxes, that are bound
to a table called "Jobs". I would like to autopopulate some information on
the form prior to users adding a record. There is a secondary table,
"JobInfo", that contains the following information:


I would like for the user to be able to enter the JobNumber and Suffix, and
upon entering the suffix, to have ItemNumber and Quantity autopopulate. I
have written code to do this but it is returning a #NAME? error.

Could someone give me a bit of guidance? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Nick C.

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