HELP! with activation



I bought a copy of Vista ultimate and got it installed on my PC. When I came
to activation, I discovered I'd made an error: I had bought an upgrade copy
when I intended a clean installation.
My question is: Is there any way I can get by this problem and activate vista?

Thank you.

please reply to my email at (e-mail address removed)

Stephan Rose

I bought a copy of Vista ultimate and got it installed on my PC. When I came
to activation, I discovered I'd made an error: I had bought an upgrade copy
when I intended a clean installation.
My question is: Is there any way I can get by this problem and activate

Yes, install Vista twice. Unless MS changed it, you should still be able
to install Vista as a clean just can't activate it with an
upgrade product key. I'll *never* understand this upgrade VS clean install
bullshit they sell but..that's another story.

So what people have done is, they install the upgrade copy as clean and
don't activate it. Then from within the clean install of Vista, they do a
Vista to Vista upgrade which then can be least for a while
until MS' activation servers go down again or planetary alignment changes
a bit and you need to call india to re-activate for a random reason. =)

2003 Yamaha R6


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