help with a macro



I use a macro to change information in csv files before importing into a
l;ivestock program.

The csv files always contains the same columns of info but vary in the
number of rows of information.

Part of my macro is to look at column A and depending on what each cell
contains place a letter in the coreesponding cell column G.

The formula is below but all that is happening is that it fixes cellA1 but
doesn't look at the other entries in column A


What am I doing wrong



macro may not be required
A1 to B4 contains
bull m
cow f
steer s
weiner u

in G1 type
and <enter>
and copy G1 to g2 g3 and g4

perhaps better solutiion is avialable.

David McRitchie

Thanks for providing more insight into the problem, and you are almost there,
but you need to use absolute references, or better to use a defined name table
in an out of the way place like using another sheet, so you don't have to
refer to it as sheet2!$A$1:$B$4

Place your table data in A1:B4 of the other sheet, then with the range
A1:B4 selected type "type_table" without the quotes into the name box
at the left of the formula bar. Or use Insert, name, define to add, change, delete.

The use of A:A to represent the cell in column A on the same row, is too hard
to figure out where it will work in Excel and where it won't work, suggest avoiding that


False indicates unsorted table, but the reason for using is to require
an exact match; and if not an exact match you will get #N/A! if not in table

More information on VLOOKUP Worksheet Function and examples in

The LOOKUP function will return the exact hit or to a previous entry
(the largest value that is less than or equal to lookup_value)
android would return #N/A! since it is before first entry Bull
male would return F (for Female) because it is between "female" and "stud" in the table
zebra would return U (for weaner) because it is after last entry "weaner" in table.

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