Help with a Lookup formula ?



I have tabs in a workbook for every year, 2003 to 2007. Each sheet is a list
of employees who have had an <event> during the year. Some have 2 or more
<events> in a single year.

I want to add a new sheet with a master list of all employees and insert a
lookup formula alongside each one to search each sheet returning every
<event> and the date associated with it.

A vlookup will only return one event per employee, per sheet. It will not
find multiple <events>???

Need some help please.


Niek Otten

Look here:

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

|I have tabs in a workbook for every year, 2003 to 2007. Each sheet is a list
| of employees who have had an <event> during the year. Some have 2 or more
| <events> in a single year.
| I want to add a new sheet with a master list of all employees and insert a
| lookup formula alongside each one to search each sheet returning every
| <event> and the date associated with it.
| A vlookup will only return one event per employee, per sheet. It will not
| find multiple <events>???
| Need some help please.
| Thanks.


The formula at the MS site is wrong It is:
=SMALL(IF($A$1:$A$7=$A$10,ROW($A$1:$A$7)),ROW(1:1)) When entered as an array
formula in d1:d7, it always returns 1. The formula should be
=SMALL(IF($A$1:$A$7=$A$10,ROW($A$1:$A$7)),ROW(1:7)) However, that formula
ceases to work properly if a row is inserted before row 1. The formula
should actually be:
=SMALL(IF($A$1:$A$7=$A$10,ROW($A$1:$A$7)),ROW(indirect("1:7"))) and the
final formula also does not work if rows are inserted before row 1.

The final formula is which does not work without the first correction is:

To work properly the final formula should be:

That formula returns the 3 values for Ashish - 234, 534 and 834 in D1, D2,
D3 and #NUM errors in D4, D5, D6, D7 and allows for insertion of rows before
row 1. The original formula with the correction for ROW(1:1) which is
ROW(1:7) returns identical results if there are no rows inserted before row


T. Valko

When entered as an array formula in d1:d7, it always returns 1.

That formula was not written as a range array. It's supposed to be entered
in a single cell then copied down.

To make it robust against row insertions above the range:


To include an efficient error trap:


If you're using Excel 2007 you could use IFERROR but for this particular
formula IFERROR *isn't* more efficient than
ROWS(B$10:B10)<=COUNTIF(A$1:A$7,A$10) when an error is anticipated.

However, when there is no error condition then IFERROR *is* slightly more


Thank you for the below, but I'm struggling with it. I copied the data as
shown at the MS site and entered your corrected formula FAR below but keep
getting a #VALUE! ERROR.

What am I missing?

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