help with a IF formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nadine
  • Start date Start date


If any cell in a range of cells A4:AF4 contain the number 2, pass or fail
if a cell contains a 2 want result to show value of fail
Assuming you mean, you have a row, A4:AF4 (32 cells). If any of the cells
have a 2 in it, then FAIL, otherwise pass?


If this isn't what you mean, perhaps rephrase the question.
Yes, Thanks.

Now how do I change it, to show nothing until a cell has been filled in.
Keep cell that contains forumla empty, until it meets the criteria
No they have changed the criteria.

If specific cells containt a 2

For than one way to skin this cat...but I would use the countif formula...

IF(OR(K4=2,L4=2,P4=2,Q4=2,T4=2,U4=2,X4=2), "FAIL","PASS")

you could also define a range on those columns and make a better formula.....
Thanks John C.

I got this working, had to rework it a bit.
