Help Windows XP



I have a Pentium 4, Windows XP Professional, Intel 2.6 MHZ, Total
Physical Memory 512.00 MB.
The problem that I am having is that every time that I shut down my
computer it automatically re-boot itself. Before it re-boots itself
sometimes a blue screen appears on my screen saying that it's Dumping
Physical Memory. After it finishes Dumping Physical Memory it re-boots
itself back into Windows. The only way that I can shut off my computer
is by holding the On/Off switch on the computer until it shuts off. I
attempted to fix the problem by inserted the Windows XP CD software in
my computer and when it was starting it gave me the option to press R to
check and repair windows. That didn't work after it finish checking and
re-installing windows over the current one that I have install now. I
don't know what else to try and therefor I am asking for your help. I
thank you in advance for your time.

Sincerely: Albert
e-mail: (e-mail address removed)

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