HELP w/ line spacing when composing new Outlook 2003 msg



I use Outlook 2003 for e-mail and Word 2003 as the mail editor.
Whenever I try to compose a new message the "Before" and "After
paragraph spacing is set to Auto. I have to set it to 0 pt and the
compose the message. However, when I use Word 2003 for any othe
purpose (i.e. outside of Outlook) the paragraph spacing is set to
pt. I tried renaming the file but that didn't help.
tried fixing the paragraph space to set it to 0 pt and then trie
saving the file as the but again that didn't help.
found a "mail.ost" file but have no idea how to change that (assumin
it is related to my issue)

Would really appreciate any help. Thanks much


Anybody at all out there have any idea what's causing this? I reall
need some help getting this resolved - it's really a pain to dea
with it every time I create a new message



Puhleeze!! Somebody has got to know the answer!! Where are th
Microsoft MVP's with this problem? I see their answers to othe
issues so why not mine

Don't mean to offend but I'm really getting frustrated



I was having problems with this too.

Try these 2 options:

1) In Outllook 2003:
Go to Tools > Options > Mail Format (Tab) > Message format section
Deselect "Use Microsoft Office Word 2003 to edit e-mail messages"
(Make sure that both of the check-boxes in this section are unchecked)

2) In Outlook 2003:
Go to Tools > Options > Mail Format (Tab) > Message format section
Select "Use Microsoft Office Word 2003 to edit e-mail messages"

Close Outlook.
Open MS Word
Go to Format > Paragraph > Indents and Spacing tab > Spacing section.
Set Before and After spacings BOTH to 0, and select Line Spacing to Single

Then go to Tools > Options > Edit tab >Click and Type section
Set Default Paragraph style to Normal

Let me know if it works for you...


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