Help using appConfig for application settings




I am using VSTO 2005 Beta for building an excel application. I added
application configuration file to the project (app.config) and it has the
following section in it.
<add key="serv" value="test" />

I am unable to get the value for key serv in my workbook startup event.

When I query
System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("serv").tostring, I
get a message saying that the value is nothig.

When I query the hasKeys property, I get FALSE.

I need help on understanding how I can use an external file to pass certain
parameters to my code.

I would really appreciate any help I can get.




Sai said:

I am using VSTO 2005 Beta for building an excel application. I added
application configuration file to the project (app.config) and it has the
following section in it.
<add key="serv" value="test" />

I am unable to get the value for key serv in my workbook startup event.

When I query
System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("serv").tostring, I
get a message saying that the value is nothig.

When I query the hasKeys property, I get FALSE.

I need help on understanding how I can use an external file to pass certain
parameters to my code.

I would really appreciate any help I can get.



Is it really named app.config? It has to be named <Enter Full
Application Name>.Config



Hi Sai,

I created a test VSTO2005 project named "Excel_Config" and was able to
retrieve a setting from the configuration file by naming the configuration
file "Excel_Config.dll.config" and placing it in the debug directory.

As a reference I've included the XML for the my configuration file below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="Name" value="Bob"/>

Using the code below I was able to retrieve the value stored in the "Name"

Dim setting As String
setting = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Name")

Hope this helps!


Ken Laws

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Jack hu


Why don't you use Settings Designer to create setting. here are some
example steps

1. create a VB window Application
2. Open Settings Designer (Solution Explorer-> My Project -> Setting Tab)
3. Add your setting (Name='name', Value = 'bob')
Note: app.config file is generated
4. to access the setting value, you can use 'My.Setting.Name'

For more information, you can search Help under topic 'Application Setting'

Good Luck,



Hello say,

in VSTO 2005 there exists an Settings.settings under your Project Properties.
this reflects your settings in the app.config file and make it easy to read
and write.

in Sourcecode you can acces this settings like this:

Properties.Settings settings = new Properties.Settings();
string someSetting = settings.<NameOfYourSettingHere>;

Hope this helps,

Greets, Helmut

Helmut Obertanner
Technical Consultant
DATALOG Software AG | Zschokkestr. 36 | D-80687 Munich

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