HELP!!!! Trouble opening Web pages after installing SP2 on Window



I've windows XP pro and recently I installed Service pack 2. Immediately
my DSL connection went off.
Now I can connect to internet but I'm not able to browse the web pages. it
gives me error message saying " Server not Found". I tried the microsoft
online support page "How to touble shoot accessing secured web pages with
internet explorer 6 Service pack 2" .
It did not help me. .......

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP\)

Do you have your own firewall. If yes, try turning off the XP built-in
firewall as it is enabled by default in SP2. You can access the XP firewall
through Control Panel in order to disable it. If you have no other
firewall, DO NOT DISABLE IT!

If you have no other firewall, open Internet Explorer, go to Tools, select
Internet Options, go to Security and try lowering your security setting.
Then go to the General tab, click Delete Cookies, Delete Files (Accept the
option to delete all offline content) and click Clear History. Then try
accessing the sites again and see if you can do so.


I tried your suggestions and the troubleshooting from Microsoft. I still
can't click on external links within a website. Please help.

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP\)

Again, start by clearing the IE cache and see if that resolves it. Open
Explorer, go to Tools, select Internet Options, on the General tab click
Delete Cookies, Delete Files and accept the option to delete all offline
content and Clear History.

In addition to the above, if you are blocking cookies try accepting them.
In IE< go to Tools, select Internet Options, go to the Privacy tab, click
advanced and set cookies to accept and see if you can get in. Note, some
firewalls have their own cookie blocking features and might override those
settings so if you have a firewall, you might want to disable it when trying
to access these sites.

For advice specific to problems with secure sites, have a look at the first
link - for general advice, have a look at the second:

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