Help to merge 2 access queries



Hi all,

I currently run 2 independent queries due to an "ambiguous joins" issue when
I attempt to run as a single query and I was hoping someone could assist in
creating a single, merged query.

The first query pulls back the data I need: -

SELECT [01 - Skills DL Table].Site, [01 - Skills DL Table].DATE, Sum([01 -
Skills DL Table].[ACD CALLS]) AS [Associate Calls Answered], Sum([01 - Skills
DL Table].ABAN) AS [Associate Calls Abandoned], IIf(Sum([ACD
CALLS])=0,0,Sum([ASA]*[ACD CALLS])/Sum([ACD CALLS])) AS [Associate ASA],
Sum([ACD1]+[ACD2]+[ACD3]+[ACD4]+[ACD5]) AS NumAns90Secs,
AS TotAban,
ABAN TIME]) AS TotAbandTime, IIf(Sum([ACD CALLS])=0,0,Sum([ACD])/Sum([ACD
CALLS])) AS [Avg Talk], IIf(Sum([ACD CALLS])=0,0,Sum([ACW])/Sum([ACD CALLS]))
AS [Avg ACW], IIf(Sum([ACD CALLS])=0,0,Sum([HOLD])/Sum([ACD CALLS])) AS [Avg
Hold], IIf([EAHT]-[Avg Talk]-[Avg ACW]-[Avg Hold]<0,0,[EAHT]-[Avg Talk]-[Avg
ACW]-[Avg Hold]) AS Transfer, IIf(Sum([ACD CALLS])=0,0,Sum([EHT]*[ACD
CALLS])/Sum([ACD CALLS])) AS EAHT, Sum([01 - Skills DL Table].AUX) AS
SumOfAUX, Sum([01 - Skills DL Table].AVAIL) AS SumOfAVAIL, Sum([01 - Skills
FROM [01 - Skills DL Table] INNER JOIN [99 - Activation Skills Table] ON
([01 - Skills DL Table].Site = [99 - Activation Skills Table].Site) AND ([01
- Skills DL Table].Skill = [99 - Activation Skills Table].Skill)
GROUP BY [01 - Skills DL Table].Site, [01 - Skills DL Table].DATE
ORDER BY [01 - Skills DL Table].DATE;

The second query references the first with a LEFT join on a table containing
all the dates in the current year and, essentially, will pull back all those
dates and any values from the first query where the dates match: -

SELECT [01 - Dates Table].Date, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].Site, [zDL_Ch_Sk
Query].[Associate Calls Answered], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Associate Calls
Abandoned], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Associate ASA], [zDL_Ch_Sk
Query].NumAns90Secs, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].TotAban, [zDL_Ch_Sk
Query].TotAbandTime, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Avg Talk], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Avg
ACW], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Avg Hold], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].Transfer, [zDL_Ch_Sk
Query].EAHT, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].SumOfAUX, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].SumOfAVAIL,
[zDL_Ch_Sk Query].SumOfSTAFF
FROM [01 - Dates Table] LEFT JOIN [zDL_Ch_Sk Query] ON [01 - Dates
Table].Date = [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].DATE
ORDER BY [01 - Dates Table].Date;

Is there any way, possibly using a subquery in the first, that I can combine
the merge the two queries? I can do it in SQL but have no idea how to
translate into Access SQL.

Many thanks in advance,


Hi again,

I know this is a bit of a long-winded one but some pointers would be most
appreciated. A flat - "No - not possible" - would be better than no response
at all.

Thanks in advance,
Mike Peate

uk_firebrand said:
Hi all,

I currently run 2 independent queries due to an "ambiguous joins" issue when
I attempt to run as a single query and I was hoping someone could assist in
creating a single, merged query.

The first query pulls back the data I need: -

SELECT [01 - Skills DL Table].Site, [01 - Skills DL Table].DATE, Sum([01 -
Skills DL Table].[ACD CALLS]) AS [Associate Calls Answered], Sum([01 - Skills
DL Table].ABAN) AS [Associate Calls Abandoned], IIf(Sum([ACD
CALLS])=0,0,Sum([ASA]*[ACD CALLS])/Sum([ACD CALLS])) AS [Associate ASA],
Sum([ACD1]+[ACD2]+[ACD3]+[ACD4]+[ACD5]) AS NumAns90Secs,
AS TotAban,
ABAN TIME]) AS TotAbandTime, IIf(Sum([ACD CALLS])=0,0,Sum([ACD])/Sum([ACD
CALLS])) AS [Avg Talk], IIf(Sum([ACD CALLS])=0,0,Sum([ACW])/Sum([ACD CALLS]))
AS [Avg ACW], IIf(Sum([ACD CALLS])=0,0,Sum([HOLD])/Sum([ACD CALLS])) AS [Avg
Hold], IIf([EAHT]-[Avg Talk]-[Avg ACW]-[Avg Hold]<0,0,[EAHT]-[Avg Talk]-[Avg
ACW]-[Avg Hold]) AS Transfer, IIf(Sum([ACD CALLS])=0,0,Sum([EHT]*[ACD
CALLS])/Sum([ACD CALLS])) AS EAHT, Sum([01 - Skills DL Table].AUX) AS
SumOfAUX, Sum([01 - Skills DL Table].AVAIL) AS SumOfAVAIL, Sum([01 - Skills
FROM [01 - Skills DL Table] INNER JOIN [99 - Activation Skills Table] ON
([01 - Skills DL Table].Site = [99 - Activation Skills Table].Site) AND ([01
- Skills DL Table].Skill = [99 - Activation Skills Table].Skill)
GROUP BY [01 - Skills DL Table].Site, [01 - Skills DL Table].DATE
ORDER BY [01 - Skills DL Table].DATE;

The second query references the first with a LEFT join on a table containing
all the dates in the current year and, essentially, will pull back all those
dates and any values from the first query where the dates match: -

SELECT [01 - Dates Table].Date, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].Site, [zDL_Ch_Sk
Query].[Associate Calls Answered], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Associate Calls
Abandoned], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Associate ASA], [zDL_Ch_Sk
Query].NumAns90Secs, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].TotAban, [zDL_Ch_Sk
Query].TotAbandTime, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Avg Talk], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Avg
ACW], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].[Avg Hold], [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].Transfer, [zDL_Ch_Sk
Query].EAHT, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].SumOfAUX, [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].SumOfAVAIL,
[zDL_Ch_Sk Query].SumOfSTAFF
FROM [01 - Dates Table] LEFT JOIN [zDL_Ch_Sk Query] ON [01 - Dates
Table].Date = [zDL_Ch_Sk Query].DATE
ORDER BY [01 - Dates Table].Date;

Is there any way, possibly using a subquery in the first, that I can combine
the merge the two queries? I can do it in SQL but have no idea how to
translate into Access SQL.

Many thanks in advance,

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