Help to Italy



Hello from Naples Italy, I need help to develop an application that
fill fields automatically in a WEB page and then submit the request. I
really need it for getting automatically rates from low cost airline
but I am testing it with Google. I am writing the following code in


doc = Me.AxWebBrowser1.Document 'Get htmldocument

Dim ricerca As mshtml.HTMLInputTextElement =
doc.getElementsByName("q").item(, 0) 'get inputbox ref
ricerca.value = "Italy" 'Input value
Dim submitButton As mshtml.HTMLInputButtonElement =
doc.getElementsByName("btng").item(, 0) 'click the button

I get this error on the last line: An unhandled exception of type
'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in WindowsApplication1.exe
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an

Is there anyone who can help me?
Thanks in advance.

Terry Burns

This error message means that the object reference is set to Nothing.

So for example if I do this.

Dim myClassInstance As MyClassType



I will get the same error because I did not instantiate a new object of Type
MyClassType or set myClassInstance to reference for an existing object of
that type.

Looking at your code

doc.getElementsByName("btng").item(, 0)

You have probably made a mistake with the line here perhaps the name "btng"
is incorrect and it does not return an object.



Thanks Terry but btng is how google calls the button, you can see it in
html page of google so my question is: why my instruction does not
return anything?
Can you help with this

Terry Burns

Its a bit difficult without actually working on it. Suffice to say that this
is not returning the object and thats where you need to concentrate.


Thanks Terry, I really apologize to bother you, I usually work with VB
and I am not very familiar with .net,I am getting crazy with this.
I am looking for a way to fill fields in a WEB page and update in an
Access table the result.
Please give me a line to follow and I will offer you a good pizza when
you come to Naples.

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