Help to improve macro



I found this cool macro on this group that makes a list of all files in
a folder. With each file name in a separate row. I would be very
grateful if any one can make suitable changes so that each row contains
a hyper link to the file.


Sub ListIndexFiles()
'Lists all file names in the folder on the active sheet
Dim FileName As String
Dim r As Integer


r = 2
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
.FileName = "*.doc"
If .Execute() > 0 Then
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
FileName = Mid(.FoundFiles(i), 18)
Cells(r, 1) = FileName
r = r + 1
Next i
End If
End With
End Sub


also can it look in all sub-folders of "C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\My Documents"



Norman Jones

Hi Unni,



Public Sub ListIndexFiles()

'// Lists all file names in the folder and sub-folders on the
'// active sheet and inserts a hyperlink to the returned files

Dim FName As String
Dim r As Integer
Dim i As Long
Dim myPath As String
Const strFileType As String = "xls" '<<===== CHANGE
With ActiveSheet.Columns(1)
End With

myPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & _

r = 2
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = myPath
.SearchSubFolders = True
.FileName = "*." & strFileType
If .Execute() > 0 Then
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
FName = Mid(.FoundFiles(i), 1)
Cells(r, 1) = Mid(FName, Len(myPath) + 1, 255)

ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(r, 1), _
Address:=FName, _
TextToDisplay:=Cells(r, 1).Value
r = r + 1
Next i
End If
End With
End Sub

Bob Phillips

Here is a different way, using FSO instead of the flaky FileSearch. It also
searches down into sub-folders and indents the levels.
Option Explicit

Private cnt As Long
Private arfiles
Private level As Long

Sub Folders()
Dim i As Long
Dim sFolder As String
Dim iStart As Long
Dim iEnd As Long
Dim fOutline As Boolean

arfiles = Array()
cnt = -1
level = 1

sFolder = "E:\"
ReDim arfiles(2, 0)
If sFolder <> "" Then
SelectFiles sFolder
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Worksheets.Add.Name = "Files"
With ActiveSheet
For i = LBound(arfiles, 2) To UBound(arfiles, 2)
If arfiles(0, i) = "" Then
If fOutline Then
Rows(iStart + 1 & ":" & iEnd).Rows.Group
End If
With .Cells(i + 1, arfiles(2, i))
.Value = arfiles(1, i)
.Font.Bold = True
End With
iStart = i + 1
iEnd = iStart
fOutline = False
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Cells(i + 1, arfiles(2, i)), _
Address:=arfiles(0, i), _
TextToDisplay:=arfiles(1, i)
iEnd = iEnd + 1
fOutline = True
End If
.Columns("A:Z").ColumnWidth = 5
End With
End If
'just in case there is another set to group
If fOutline Then
Rows(iStart + 1 & ":" & iEnd).Rows.Group
End If

Columns("A:Z").ColumnWidth = 5
ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=1
ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False

End Sub

Sub SelectFiles(Optional sPath As String)
Static FSO As Object
Dim oSubFolder As Object
Dim oFolder As Object
Dim oFile As Object
Dim oFiles As Object
Dim arPath

If FSO Is Nothing Then
Set FSO = CreateObject("SCripting.FileSystemObject")
End If

If sPath = "" Then
sPath = CurDir
End If

arPath = Split(sPath, "\")
cnt = cnt + 1
ReDim Preserve arfiles(2, cnt)
arfiles(0, cnt) = ""
arfiles(1, cnt) = arPath(level - 1)
arfiles(2, cnt) = level

Set oFolder = FSO.GetFolder(sPath)
Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
For Each oFile In oFiles
cnt = cnt + 1
ReDim Preserve arfiles(2, cnt)
arfiles(0, cnt) = oFolder.Path & "\" & oFile.Name
arfiles(1, cnt) = oFile.Name
arfiles(2, cnt) = level + 1
Next oFile

level = level + 1
For Each oSubFolder In oFolder.Subfolders
SelectFiles oSubFolder.Path
level = level - 1

End Sub

#If VBA6 Then
Function Split(Text As String, _
Optional Delimiter As String = ",") As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim sFormula As String
Dim aryEval
Dim aryValues

If Delimiter = vbNullChar Then
Delimiter = Chr(7)
Text = Replace(Text, vbNullChar, Delimiter)
End If

sFormula = "{""" & Application.Substitute(Text, Delimiter, """,""") &
aryEval = Evaluate(sFormula)
ReDim aryValues(0 To UBound(aryEval) - 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(aryValues)
aryValues(i) = aryEval(i + 1)

Split = aryValues

End Function

Public Function InStrRev(stringcheck As String, _
ByVal stringmatch As String, _
Optional ByVal start As Long = -1)
Dim iStart As Long
Dim iLen As Long
Dim i As Long

If iStart = -1 Then
iStart = Len(stringcheck)
iStart = start
End If

iLen = Len(stringmatch)

For i = iStart To 1 Step -1
If Mid(stringcheck, i, iLen) = stringmatch Then
InStrRev = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
InStrRev = 0
End Function
#End If



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Norman Jones

Hi Bob,
Here is a different way, using FSO instead of the flaky FileSearch. It
searches down into sub-folders and indents the levels.

Given the reported Filesearch problems and the indentation, its ..... "Slam

Bob Phillips

you didn't mention the grouping :-(


Norman Jones said:
Hi Bob,

Given the reported Filesearch problems and the indentation, its ..... "Slam


Thank you Norman, Thank you Bob.

I am at loss of words!!

While Norman's macro fits what I was trying to do achieve perfectly,
Bob your code just blew mw away!! (Not just me... my whole department).
Poor ignoramus like us had no clue excel could do things like this. In
short you have just instilled in all of us a new respect for excel and
Excel newsgroup.

Thanks again


Bob Phillips

Hi Unni,

I am sure I can speak for Norman as well when I say thank you for those kind
words. I am sitting here with a big grin on my face.




Hi Bob/Norman,
Thanks a lot for the macro. I was also looking for one like this. I
works great.

Can you please help me code anoher (may be seperately!) new macro whic
will delete the hyperlink as it is clicked by the user (while othe
hyperlinks remain in the sheet)?

Thanks a lot.



This will delete the hyperlink and clear the cell:

Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Range(Target.Parent.Address).Value = ""
End Sub

or to delete the link but leave the hyperlink text in the cell:

Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
End Sub

This is worksheet event code. Right click the sheet, select View Code
and paste the code in there.

Hope this helps

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