Help! The ADP File is not in correct format



We've been using this Access 2000 database since April
2003 and all of a sudden this error message occurs "The
ADP File is not in correct format". I cannot open the
file anymore, our backup is 2 days old. Please help me, I
really need to retrieve the data. Tnx!

Norman Yuan

*.ADP file does not save data in it. It is merely an front end app for SQL
Server, containing only app design and code (Forms, Reports, Modules...). If
you have made some changes in the application's design since last backup and
cannot recover it, then the modification to to design is lost, not the data
stored in SQL Server, database tables, storedprocedures, views are also safe
in this case.

You can use the latest available *.adp to RETRIEVE data from SQL Server.

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