Help please! Multiple mail aliases for 1 mail account



I have 3 mail aliases that point to the same mailbox, 2
of which are mine and one that is my wife's. Before
I "upgraded" from Outlook Express to Outlook 2002, I had
rules set to leave any messages with my wife's email
address in the "To" field on the server and download the
rest to my OE client. That way, she could get her mail on
her own computer and I would get mine through my own
client. But I haven't found a way to do this in Outlook
2002. There does not seem to be a rule action to "leave
message on server" if "To field contains:
(e-mail address removed)". Any help on how to do this in Outlook
XP would be greatly appreciated.


Gordon Burgess-Parker

I have 3 mail aliases that point to the same mailbox, 2
of which are mine and one that is my wife's. Before
I "upgraded" from Outlook Express to Outlook 2002, I had
rules set to leave any messages with my wife's email
address in the "To" field on the server and download the
rest to my OE client. That way, she could get her mail on
her own computer and I would get mine through my own
client. But I haven't found a way to do this in Outlook
2002. There does not seem to be a rule action to "leave
message on server" if "To field contains:
(e-mail address removed)". Any help on how to do this in Outlook
XP would be greatly appreciated.


Easy solution.
Go to Tools-Email Accounts-View or Change existing Email Account. Highlight
one of your accounts, and click Change. Under Login Information, in the
Username box, add a prefix to the login name of "youralias +" (without the
quotes). That should ensure that you ONLY download email for that account
that is addressed to (e-mail address removed)
Do this with the other accounts. You can do this with your Wife's account
The ONLY drawback is that you do not download mail addressed to
(e-mail address removed) but as this is normally spam,
then just use mailwasher or something similar to clear out the account once
in a while.


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