Help! Patch stopped browser



Could someone please help me -- I installed the latest
patch and now I can't browse through internet explorer.
I can get to my yahoo mail, but all the web pages I
frequent all of a sudden come up "no URL." Anyone know
what I should do? I tried un-installing this stupid last
Windows hotfix but still no go.
Help please! I've spent hours futzing with my
inter/inranet settings.


Please visit the Internet Explorer experts in the Internet Explorer newsgroup:



| Could someone please help me -- I installed the latest
| patch and now I can't browse through internet explorer.
| I can get to my yahoo mail, but all the web pages I
| frequent all of a sudden come up "no URL." Anyone know
| what I should do? I tried un-installing this stupid last
| Windows hotfix but still no go.
| Help please! I've spent hours futzing with my
| inter/inranet settings.

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