Help - Outlook templates on Terminal server issue



I am experiencing a problem loading outlook templates that is stored on
an exchange server. Every time I try to store them on the exchange
server or open them off the exchange server I are prompted with an
authentication box that never accepts logon details. Then if I cancel
the box, outlook crashes.

when I copy them to my local pc to open them they work fine. It is only
when using outlook on terminal server. I have also try creating a whole
new template just to make sure that the issue is not a corrupted
template. But this still does not work.

We are using Outlook 2000 on a windows 2000 terminal server that
connects to mailboxes on exchange 5.5

The problem is also affecting multiple users on multiple terminal

Does anybody have an idea what is causing the problem. As i cannot find
any useful information on the web or on MS's website.



I have tried what you have suggested and it appears not to have worked.
But if the server needs to be rebooted for the changes to take effect,
then that will happen tonight as part of a scheduled task. I will
re-check the situation on this one on monday.

I have also done some more testing and now it appears that all forms
are also affected (i.e. Displaying a authentication box when the choose
form menu is selected).



I have also reinstalled Office on one of the servers to see if there
was a problem with the installation. But even this didn't rectify the

We are using Office 2000 SP3 (inc. all patches from office update).
help. Please.


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