Help! Outlook email issue..



In our office we use Outlook 2003 on a LAN. For some
reason, three of our outlook programs will not retain a
password and none of us have been able to receive email
for days. I'm stumped, I cannot figure this one out.

We are heavily dependant on email and Outlook for our
cases. Help! I've not seen an error message, and our
servers are just fine.


Hi -
I see several posting out here now similar to yours and
to the one I posted this morning - this has to be a bug
in Outlook 2003. Her is the gist of my similar issue,
and note that it contains some info I have found on the
web on a couple of sites and on Microsoft - in case you
have not seen those - at least you can know that you are
not alone - I am going to pester Dell and Microsoft till
I get this figured out...
I just got a new Dell computer - running Windows XP and
Outlook 2003. I have 3 user profiles set up on Windows -
one for each
member of my family. Thus I set up 3 email accounts -
each one with its own email profile using our ISP: I am using a DSL connection I got from
My own email account works fine - it connects and sends
and receives.
However - for the other 2 email accounts, no matter how I
configure them (and I have tried everything, no thanks to
any technicians at Dell or Ameritech, as each wants to
blame this on the other) I cannot get it to
send/receive - I get a dialogue box that prompts for a
network ID and
I have no network set up, and there is no password or
lack thereof that it will seem to accept. So neither of
the other 2 Outlook accounts set up on this computer will
send or recieve becasue they are blocked by this inane
I have found that people are having similar but no
identiacal problems (see
and Microsoft's own

These describe more of a situation where a password is
not retained and/or there really are duplicate accouts
set up on one machine - however my problem is that there
never was a password, and the accouts
are not duplicates.
I have contacted Ameritech and they had me delete and add
the email acccounts (which I had already done before I
even called them - duh, and then they told me the
problem was with Outlook and that only Microsoft could
help. This is driving me nuts, Dell has been useless,
and I am about to set my old machine back up running an
old reliable version of Outlook Express.

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