Help on query too difficult for me


Mike Gramelspacher


This query problem is a bit too much for me. Maybe someone else could look
at it

ApplicantName Text
FemaleIndicator Yes/No
SpouseName Text
ApplicantBirthDate Date/Time
SpouseBirthDate Date/Time
MarriageDate Date/Time
BookNo Number
PageNo Number

Current data (same column order as above):
Brown, John| |Jones, Mary|12-12-1900| |5-5-1922|15|348
Jones, Mary|x|Brown, John|11-11-1899| |5-5-1922|15|348

Result needed:
Brown, John| |Jones, Mary|12-12-1900|11-11-1899|5-5-1922|15|348
Jones, Mary|x|Brown, John|11-11-1899| |5-5-1922|15|348

The person who originally did this made two rows for each marriage. This is
extra work and only a small percentage of the total is finished. I want to
use only one row for each marriage and use a union query to get the second
record for the spouse. The original data did not have FemaleIndicator and
SpouseBirthDate colums. The name fields are no set up right, but I will fix
that later.

(MarriageDate,BookNo,PageNo) is unique for each marriage. Probably
(BookNo,PageNo) is unique.

Anyone have any ideas for solving this problem?

Mike Gramelspacher
Ferdinand, Indiana

Michel Walsh


It is *generally* wise to keep one row per people, so two rows for a
marriage, in the TABLE, and to use a QUERY in times where you need the whole
marriage in just one line. You can use thus use the QUERY, rather than to
modify the table, when you need one row per marriage, "as if" it was a table
(in most cases).

Assuming the actual fields name (one row per people, two rows for a
marriage) are

ApplicantName FemaleIndicator SpouseName ApplicantBirthDate
SpouseBirthDate MarriageDate BookNo PageNo

what is missing is the SpouceBirthDate, but we can get it with a query like

SELECT a.ApplicantName,
b.ApplicantBirthDate As SpouceBirthDate,

FROM myTable As a INNER JOIN myTable As b
ON a.MarriageDate=b.MarriageDate AND
a.BookNo=b.BookNo AND
a.PageNo=b.PageNo AND
a.SpouceName = b.ApplicantName

WHERE b.FemaleIndicator

Mike Gramelspacher

Thanks. This query does, in fact, get the columns I need, but now I need to
save the query results as a table. If I cannot get the one table per
marriage record, it will be double work for the person to enter the
thousands of remaining records as two rows. This is why I want to do this.

Mike Gramelspacher
Ferdinand, Indiana

Michel Walsh


From the query designer, menu or toolbar, change the query type from SELECT

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Mike Gramelspacher


The make table query worked. I had tried that earlier, but had an error
message. This time it worked.

Thanks for taking the time to help me. I had been approaching this as an
update query, but that always proved to be non-updatable.

Mike Gramelspacher
Ferdinand, Indiana

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