Help on maintenance state information ???



Dear all,

I am beginer in and I try to understand how the context.handler works
I have first web page on which I have 2 text box prefilled with default text

Then from the second webform I retrive the value of those text box using:
dim LastPage as MyFirstWebFrom


This works really fine, then I try to do the same thing with a UserInfo
class defined under MyFirstWebFrom

On a button click event I update a USerInfo instance with the content of
text box as
UserInfo.LastName= txtLastName.Tex

At this level my userInfo object do not have the content of the textbox
value ???
Is it because text box used cache event's ?

How to update my userInfo object ??

thnaks for your help


If you need to pass info/objects/etc I would suggest you populate them on the
current page's postback prior to redirection to the next page. Store the info
in session, db, etc, and then parse it in on the second page. This would
eliminate the hassles of what is (and isn't) there when you are already on
page 2.

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