Help on DataTable.Reset() and DataGrid



After a call to the Reset() method of a DataTable and
a call to the method Datasource of the datagrid for display data of the
DataTable i cannot see
the rows on the Grid.

Help me please.

By Simon.



I call The DataTable.Reset()
I refill the DataTable with the DataAdapter.
I set the DataSource property of the datagrid to the Datatable but i cannot see the rows in the datagrid.

PS: The DataTable after the refill is not empty.
"mona" <[email protected]> ha scritto nel messaggio Hi Simone,

The reset method sets the datagrid to it's original state., so it clears the table.
This is the reason why you are not able to view the rows after calling the method
You can refer to the following link for the same:

[DataTable.Reset Method]



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