Help needed with Multipage UserForm (VBA)


K. Georgiadis

Bear with me folks, I'm a newbie when it comes to VBA:

In John Walkenbach's book "Excel 2002 Power Programming
with VBA," there is an example of a multipage UserForm
(Wizard) where the data is inserted in contiguous cells
of a (single) active sheet.
I'm looking for the syntax (or better still, an example)
for inserting the data inputs in specific cells in
different worksheets, in a multi-worksheet workbook. Any
help will be appreciated.

Dave Peterson

Not quite sure what you're looking for, but maybe:

Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With ActiveWorkbook
.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("b3").Value = Me.TextBox1.Value
.Worksheets("sheet2").Range("a9").Value = Me.TextBox2.Value
End With
End Sub

K. Georgiadis

Upon clicking on a "Start" button, I want the user to see
a succession of screens (perhaps as many as 10 screens)
where he will enter a series of parameters, such
as: "cost of capital, in %," "number of new
employees," "capital investment, in k$," "development
costs, in k$," etc., all of these data to be inserted in
the appropriate cells of the various worksheets, to be
used in calculations (the workbook will probably have 30
different sheets).

If I cannot figure out how to make such a "wizard" to
work, I'll resort to a a simple "control panel"
arrangement, where all the assorted parameters will be
entered on a single worksheet (that will be designed to
look like a form), from where the data will
be "transferred" to the appropriate cells in the workbook.

It would however be nice if I could figure out how to
design a "wizard," if only to satisfy my curiosity.

Thank you for your help.

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