Help needed for Micrsoft Word Macro




I am trying to get the word count for the inserted text using Track
changes as "ON" in the word document.

The text on the document i have added is "Hello world".
When i am trying to get the count on macro then it is showing 1, but i
have inserted two words.

Please help me if you know how to get the count for the inserted text.

My code is like this
Dim mySection As Section
Dim iCount As Integer

For Each mySection In ActiveDocument.Sections
iCount = iCount + mySection.Range.Revisions.Count
MsgBox "Count is " & iCount



Hi Shyla

I'm not sure whether you just want the total number of revisions, the number
of words in each revision, or the number of words in all revisions. The
following code does all three, though you need to be aware that Word treats
punctuation marks as words in their own right:

Sub ListRevisionChanges()
Dim Rev As Revision
Dim RWrd As Integer
RWrd = 0
MsgBox "# Revisions: " & ActiveDocument.Revisions.Count
For Each Rev In ActiveDocument.Revisions
MsgBox "Revision Text: " & Rev.Range.Text & vbCrLf & _
"Revision Words: " & Rev.Range.Words.Count
RWrd = RWrd + Rev.Range.Words.Count
MsgBox "# Revision Words: " & RWrd
End Sub


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