
i recently bought a new comp with xp hjome on it and
after a while of use i started to experience problems, it
keeps for no reason known to myself turning off and
restarting itself and when it does an error message

the messgae is

BCCode:10000050 BCP1:8580104A BCP2:00000000 BCP3:E22852E95
BCP4:00000000 OSVer:5_1_2600 SP:1_0 Product:768_1



i followed osme instructions from a guy at work that
would show me the driver responsible and the message i
got was:


***STOP: 0x00000804 0x00000002 0x00000001 0x804E2761

i have no idea what any of this means and of course want
to get my comp to start working porperly again. any help
would be greatly appreciated



Check out this page, from which the below information is copied:

1.. Examine the "System" and "Application" logs in Event Viewer for other
recent errors that might give further clues. To do this, launch EventVwr.msc
from a Run box; or open "Administrative Tools" in the Control Panel then
launch Event Viewer.
2.. If you've recently added new hardware, remove it and retest.
3.. Run hardware diagnostics supplied by the manufacturer.
4.. Make sure device drivers and system BIOS are up-to-date.
5.. However, if you've installed new drivers just before the problem
appeared, try rolling them back to the older ones.
6.. Open the box and make sure all hardware is correctly installed, well
seated, and solidly connected.
7.. Confirm that all of your hardware is on the Hardware Compatibility
List. If some of it isn't, then pay particular attention to the non-HCL
hardware in your troubleshooting.
8.. Check for viruses.
9.. Investigate recently added software.
10.. Examine (and try disabling) BIOS memory options such as caching or
NOTE: When a STOP message occurs, Windows can create a debug file for very
detailed analysis. To do this, it needs a workspace equal to the amount of
physical RAM you have installed. If you resize your Win XP pagefile minimum
to less than the size of your physical RAM, you will get an advisory message
that your system may not be able to create a debugging information file if a
STOP error occurs. My advice is to go ahead with this change if you want,
but simply remember the limitation so that you can change it back if you
need to troubleshoot STOP messages. Some general troubleshooting principles
are suggested in the Resource Kit for approaching STOP messages overall.

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