help me plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!



hi i have just got wireless internet and downloaded msn messenger 7.
when i sigh in it says "singning into msn messenger failed because th
service is busy" what can i do to fix this HELP ME PLZ SUM!???

John Thomas Smith

hi i have just got wireless internet and downloaded msn messenger 7.5
when i sigh in it says "singning into msn messenger failed because the
service is busy" what can i do to fix this HELP ME PLZ SUM!????

Go to this link (and bookmark this site) since it is a very good
place to find help for Windows error messages

Use the Microsoft search for help on error messages or anything
else you wish to enter in the search window... if Microsoft has
a fix for a problem, you will find an article

John Thomas Smith


can any1 help me about msn messenger 7.5 it says the service is to busy
when i sign in !!! and ive waited ages like 2 dayz


i have just got wireless internet but i m on the main computer and the
rest of my family onlaptops could u please fix this problem or tell me
how thankyou !!1

Emmanuel V.D.S

have you turned off automatically sing in because it tries to dail a
connection with me or automaticaly run meseenger when i log in

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