Help! Is there such a thing as blind invitations?


Jacques Shett

We have a need to provide an online seminar to a group of people in
our contacts list. We want to use the INVITE feature of Outlook's
calendar (Outlook 2003 / Exchange 2003) but we don't want everyone to
see all the others that may be attending.

Is there a way to send out a group invitaiton without exposing
everyone's e-mail addresses?


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Yes, create the meeting appointment without attendees. Save it to your desktop. Create a new mail message (ensure it is RTF formatted) and use the BCC for the intended attendees. Use the message window to ask them to click on Accept and Send a Response. Insert the meeting item. Use your own address in the TO: field. Send it out.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After furious head scratching, Jacques Shett asked:

| We have a need to provide an online seminar to a group of people in
| our contacts list. We want to use the INVITE feature of Outlook's
| calendar (Outlook 2003 / Exchange 2003) but we don't want everyone to
| see all the others that may be attending.
| Is there a way to send out a group invitaiton without exposing
| everyone's e-mail addresses?
| -JS-

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