Help -- "Incomplete" Directory



I just did a complete reinstall of Visat Home Premium. Don't ask!! After
doing the install, I copied by data directory with my documents, favorites,
music, etc, back to the users directory. Everything seemed OK, until I tried
to go to my favorites from the desk top. Vista said it was empty. After a
little invetigation, I found that the FAvorites link in the Start Menu was
pointing to a favorites directory one level down in a directory called
"incomplete". I tried creating a favorites directory in the right place and
it allowed me to do that and even appeared to allow me to delete the
incomplete directory but the Start menu still points to the favorite in the
incomplete directory. Something seems corrupt. Anyone have any suggestions?


Rick Rogers

Hi Earl,

Check in the registry under this key:
Shell Folders

The value of the Favorites string should be:

Yours may be different or the string corrupted.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -


Thanks -- I located that but the entry is correct just as you desribed it.

Anyone have any other thoughts?


I checked the registry entry as you suggested but the entry is correct --
exactly the same as the entry you provided.

Any other thoughts?

Earl Rideout

Rick Rogers


Check this one here:

It should point to the folder as well, but without the variable, like:

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -


Thanks -- that one was wrong -- it pointed to Earl/incomplete/favorites. I
changed it and I am going to reboot now. Wish me luck.



Hi Rick,

OK, I am back from my reboot. The favorites icon in the start menu still
points to the incomplete directory. I rechecked the change I made in the
registry and it is still pointing to the correct place. Any other ideas what
might be giving the start menu icon its direction?



Well, I searched the registry for other "favorites" locations and found one
more pointing to the wrong direction. I changed it, rebooted and now the
favorites menu item is non-functional -- it doesn't open and when you look at
the properties, everything is blank. I guess something must be corrupted. Not
sure where to go from here.

I am not sure if you have any other suggestions but thank you for the help.
I talked to Microsoft about it and they seem to think I have a corrupted user
account but that is the only thing that appears wrong. They were much less
helpful than you. She even took control of my computer == I was able to watch
her and she was fumbling around more than me. :-(


Rick Rogers

Hi Earl,

Set up another user account, see if the behavior repeats itself or is
isolated to just your system. This will tell us if it is part of the user
profile or part of the system shell.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -


I did set up another user account. It is OK in the new user account but it
seems a bit daunting to convert everything to the new user account. That
means almost everything I have installed would have to be redone in the new
account. I am not sure I am ready for that.


Rick Rogers

Hi Earl,

Well, that's not exactly what I meant to accomplish by doing that. I wanted
to see if the problem is localized to your account or global to the whole
system. As it does not occur in the new user account, then it is local. So,
I would suspect the problem is localized to the current user key in the
registry. Take a look at the Favorites string under:
Shell Folders

This one should be:

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -

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