Help I'm in need of Office 2003 Help


Jack meOff

Jeezz where do I start. Several weeks ago I was finally able to scrap
together enough money to win an eBay auction of Office 2003 Pro.
I got it last week and installed it no probs along side of my current
Office XP version and then I get this bright idea to clean off the dust on
the MB, yada, yada, yada I ended up getting a new MB and installed it and
found that I needed to reinstall XP. I'm now up and running and need to get
my mail (since this all started over a week ago) and I get this error.

OUTLOOK.EXE - Application Error

The application failed to intialize properly (0xc0150002). Click on Ok to
terminate the application.

And this happens in all office suites. What the heck is this error and how
do I get my mail back. I have tried to use XP (since I have not uninstalled
it yet, whew) but cannot find that .exe file. HELP


You will need to reinstall your office aplications. There are registry
settings that were overwriten/removed when you reinstalled the operating
system. You might get a box asking you to repiar you office install, this
might work too.

Jack meOff

Yes I tried that and I also used the repair feautre also. What would happen
if I uninstall 03 and then go tothe registery delete any office entry??
Wouldthat do??

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