HELP!!! How to use macros to have one-click cell selections.



Hi. I posted this question before, but, because I don't understand all these
advanced Excel computer terms, it wasn't much help. ALSO I ONLY GOT ONE

How, in Excel, can I set a cell to contain text such as [Your Name], and,
when I single-click it, have the cell become selected in dark gray, and when
I begin typing, have the cell clear so I can type?

Basically, I'm asking because I've seen in some Microsoft Word templates
things/words like the cells I've just asked how to make. These words are
there so the user easily knows what should be typed where and can easily
replace the [Your Name] with something like Alex Smith, such as in a resume.
I want to make cells do similar selection/replacements in Excel for a
template service invoice.

I'm pretty sure what I need to do has something to do with macros, because
that's what the guy who responded to the other question said. The only
problem is that I didn't understand the terms he used, and I didn't
understand the exact directions in order to do what I wanted. SOMEONE,
PLEASE, give me specific, clear, and detailed instructions on how to do what
I want.

THANKS TO ALL WHO HELP!!!! Have a nice day!


AY said:
How, in Excel, can I set a cell to contain text such as [Your Name], and,
when I single-click it, have the cell become selected in dark gray, and when
I begin typing, have the cell clear so I can type?

Basically, I'm asking because I've seen in some Microsoft Word templates
things/words like the cells I've just asked how to make. These words are
there so the user easily knows what should be typed where and can easily
replace the [Your Name] with something like Alex Smith, such as in a resume.
I want to make cells do similar selection/replacements in Excel for a
template service invoice.

Actually, I find that feature in Word to be pretty f-ing annoying.
Can't count the times that a field has annoyed me in the templates
that "the powers that be" in this place have provided. It's hard to
type into them, they don't let you put more than the visible width
in, some types require you to double click and get an edit
form to open, etc. Oh well, different people, what are you gonna do?

What would be so wrong with having the cell next to where the
name is supposed to go filled with the text Your Name: and
then formatting the cell it should go in with nice hints that
it's a box for the name? If you need a printout of the form without
the text hints, or with different text hints, you can do that with
a seperate sheet and links. You can even protect the parts
that are not supposed to be modified by the user.

Plus, what's wrong with the way Excel does cells by default?
You have text in the cell. You select it. You start typing and
the old text is gone unless you hit <Esc> before confirming
the cell. The only thing missing seems to be the grey part.


Sock Puppet, watch your f-oolish language! This is a QUESTION I asked, not a
COMMENT for people to voice their opinion on the best format for cells! I
want to make a very easy-to-use template for someone less computerish than I.
I want it so that he sees exactly where to put what information, and so that
he doesn't have to select and clear the cell before typing. I would have put
comments attached to the cell like "Click once to put the name here," but he
sometimes emails the bills and I don't want the recipient to see those
comments. ANYONE HELPFUL OUT THERE? Thanks to all those who HELP!


At the risk of repeating myself, HELP!!!!!
(And please, don't post just to tell me you would not like me to have gray
single click selections. I'd like careful instructions I, as someone who only
knows the very basics of excel, can follow to reach my goal. Thanks again!)

Dave Peterson

You could use a macro that would make a cell grey when you select it. But it
wouldn't change colors when you start to type. Excel doesn't support that kind
of thing.

Is there a reason you don't want to create the form in MSWord?

Or an alternative...

Keep your data in excel, but create a template in MSWord and merge your data
into that template.

If you want to read...

Here are a couple of links:

The first is from David McRitchie and the second is by Beth Melton and Dave

And if you include numbers/dates that need to be formatted nicely...

Debra Dalgleish posted this:

There's an article on the Microsoft web site that might help you:

Answer Box: Numbers don't merge right in Word

And if you prefer the old Mail Merge helper, Word MVP Suzanne Barnhill
has instructions here:

about half way down the page.
Hi. I posted this question before, but, because I don't understand all these
advanced Excel computer terms, it wasn't much help. ALSO I ONLY GOT ONE

How, in Excel, can I set a cell to contain text such as [Your Name], and,
when I single-click it, have the cell become selected in dark gray, and when
I begin typing, have the cell clear so I can type?

Basically, I'm asking because I've seen in some Microsoft Word templates
things/words like the cells I've just asked how to make. These words are
there so the user easily knows what should be typed where and can easily
replace the [Your Name] with something like Alex Smith, such as in a resume.
I want to make cells do similar selection/replacements in Excel for a
template service invoice.

I'm pretty sure what I need to do has something to do with macros, because
that's what the guy who responded to the other question said. The only
problem is that I didn't understand the terms he used, and I didn't
understand the exact directions in order to do what I wanted. SOMEONE,
PLEASE, give me specific, clear, and detailed instructions on how to do what
I want.

THANKS TO ALL WHO HELP!!!! Have a nice day!


Thanks, Dave. I don't really care about the color, I just mean that I want a
similar easy selection/clear effect as you get in some Word templates. It
just so happens that the color for the selection in Word is gray. I don't
know how to make that happen in Word either, by the way. And I don't want
everything to move around (as it does in Word) when you input information.
And I like the fact that Excel can automatically calculate sums. I'll read
the articles you provided, when I get the chance, if no one can answer my

Dave Peterson

You could have an event macro that colors the cell any color you want--but it
won't change when you start typing.

You could use Format|Conditional formatting to give the empty cells a nice
Select the cell
format|conditional formatting|
cell value is: equal to: =""
(give it a nice pattern)

But then that cell will be that color even when the cell isn't selected.

MSWord does support tables and it does support some arithmetic
operations--including sums.


I appreciate it, Dave, but I don't think we're on the same wavelength. Color
makes no difference to me - I just want to have single-click cell selections.
I know word supports graphs, etc., but things are easier to control in excel.

Peo Sjoblom

It's not possible



Peo Sjoblom

Excel 95 - Excel 2007
Northwest Excel Solutions
"It is a good thing to follow the first law of holes;
if you are in one stop digging." Lord Healey


I do lots of templates as you describe when I request information from
people in my organization. Any fields that I want a user to input data
into I use yellow as the background color. Yellow fields are pretty
obvious at a glance as a place that data should be entered. Leaving
them yellow when there is data in them just underscores their
importance as data that needs to be paid attention to once the form is
filled out.

Before I send the sheet out, I unlock all the cells where I want data
entry (right click->properties->format cells->uncheck "locked") and
then protect the sheet (tools->protection->protect sheet). I just
leave the password blank. If someone is smart enough to get past that,
then there is really nothing I can do to protect the rest of the sheet

If you setup your data entry fields like this, there should be no need
to put text like "[Your Name]" in the field. You would have to the
left of each data entry field a bit of text describing what you want to
go in that field.

BTW, when you protect your sheet there are several options that you can
select that will let you decide if the user can see formulas, change
formats for protected cells, etc. These will vary based on what
version of Excel you are using. I just use the default.

Hope this helps!



I appreciate it, Alex, but that's just not what I was looking for. Does
anybody know how to have single-click cell or word selections in excel or
word? Is there a way to combine excel and word so I can have both functions
and single-click cell selections in the same document? THANK YOU!!!


Does it have to be directly on/in a worksheet?
It would be possible to get the information you wanted from the user
then plug it into the worksheet

Dave Peterson

Excel still doesn't support what you want.

And excel and word are two different programs. They don't have the same exact


What do you mean in/on a worksheet?
I can always tell the person what to put where or indicate with comments or
a different box, but I'd rather not. If it's impossable to combign or have
that feature in excel, then it's impossable. Thanks for all who helped!
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Instead of getting involved in Macros can you not simply set up a worksheet as your form, with the [Your Name] etc set out in the required position and save it as a .xlt template file?

By nature of Excel if you single click in the [Your Name] cell it will automatically overtype the existing text ([Your Name])

Let me know how you get on

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