Help! Drop down list problems.



Hi. I am having trouble with a drop-down list that I have had set up for
some time. I have validation set up to allow only items from a list to be
chosen for certain cells and all of the little arrows at the lower corner of
the cells no longer appear like they did in the past. The value entered in
the cell must still match the list, but the list doesn't show up. The only
thing I have done to this worksheet lately is a password protection. Could
this be the problem and why? How can I get around the problem if it is the

Thanks in advance for your help!


Select all the cells with data validation and from the main menu select:
Format -> Cells
In the Protection tab, remove the check mark from the Locked box, and then
proceed to protect your workbook or worksheet.


I was able to get the drop down list fixed by doing an open and repair. I
found out that there is nothing worng with protecting a worksheet that has
drop down lists. Somehow my file was corrupted and was able to be repaired.
Thank you for the help though.

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