Help Creating Popup Form (2.0)


Eric Fortin 2.0

I'd like to create a link on my main form that pops up a window where the
user can input 5 fields (address1, 2, city, state, and zip code).

After "Submit" (or a hyperlink) is clicked, return that input data back to
the main form and have the main form set the text of the equivalent labels.

There are 3 sets of Address Information and real-estate is limited. 2 of
the 3 sets will rarely be input.

Any other good solutions to consider?

Any help greatly appreciated.




You should start with googling and read the blogs. Ajax can be used or you
would write your own JavaScript. Its better to not popUp though when you can
do the task in the page itself even if you have to PostBack using Panels or
whatever. I've started using the Ajax TabContainer with MultiView or Panel
controls in each tab. The Wizard control is also very useful for collecting
data in the page.

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