Help Creating a Drop Down List from a List in another worksheet



Sorry, I'm sure this is a basic question but I couldn't find the answer in my
Exel help file. I want to create a drop-down list for cells in a column. I
want the list to be comprised of a series of cells in a column in another
sheet in the workbook. What would be the formula?

Jim Thomlinson

There are 2 parts to this. You can create the drop down list using
Data -> Validation -> List -> create cell reference

The problem that you run into is that you can not select cells on another
sheet. To do that you need to create a named range. Go to the other sheet
where the list is and select the range of cells you want to use. In the
Address field on the far left of the formula bar overwrite the cell address
with a name such as MyList. (You can do the same thing using Insert -> Name
-> Define)

Now when you create your validation list just type in the range name for
your cell reference (=MyList)...

If your list might grow or shrink in the future you can consider using a
dynamic named range...

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